Monday, June 27, 2011

110627 Rest Day

Today I ran 3 miles. I did half a mile each time while sprinting at a speed of 7 for the first two times and then sprinting a speed of 6 the next two times. The next 4 times, I did a speed of 5. In between I took one minute walks at a speed of 1 to recuperate. It was reallly hard but it felt good to finally be running again :) I'm sorry I haven't been working out as much as I should be but I am so close to taking my final exams for the summer and then I have to prepare myself for another summer session of classes. But I'll try to resume my exercises soon!

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Today's WOD was to Run 800 meters, Snatch, 30 reps and Run another 800 meters. Took me 30 minutes to do because I had to go from my garage to the treadmill in the basement and back to do the workouts and warmup. Overall, the half miles were easy but the snatch took me almost 20 minutes to do alone because I'm not used to doing that many snatches in a row.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


I thought about doing today's WOD, but since 30 pullups in a row isn't possible, and I have to stay away from running (I'm convinced I've had Achilles tendinitis since the 7th grade, but never really looked into it), I made my own lil' WOD.

First did 3 rounds of the warmup, then did a circuit of 5 reps of deadlift, pullups, overhead squat, and BP.

However, since I haven't done diddly squat in the past week, I had to do lower weights, and my back felt cranky, so I got rid of the deadlifts and pullups after the second time through. So I ended up just doing several rounds of 10 overhead squats (45lb barbell) and 65lb bench press with both feet off the ground.

Then I tried out some miscellaneous ab workouts, including a few GHD situps (which magically made my back feel better!).

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

110615 Rest Day

As usual, I act like a bum again. I need to really start working out. I could barely do 8 assisted pullups. I'm atrophying...LOL. I managed to run two miles in 25 minutes though so I'm happy about that. I also warmed up beforehand. Then I did 4 rounds of 9 burpees and 15 box jumps in 30 minutes. All together I did about an hour and fifteen minutes of working out to make up for the lost/last three days :/

Monday, June 13, 2011

past few days

I didn't do Sunday's WOD. So I attempted to do it through a 3000m row, in 13:44 (I went pretty easy) then started a 2400m run. As usual, my calves hate me, and the pain was too much, even after trying to stretch. So, forget that.

Then I had more good luck (not) and did something to my left quad while trying to do today's WOD. Yeah, I couldn't even ride my bike home. I'm hoping it's just a slight strain, but now I can't do anything leg-related for a while.

I ended up doing a super set of pullups, bench press, and shoulder press

Oh, and my neck/back spasm has been back for the past couple days.

I hate my life.


Saturday, June 11, 2011

rest day!

but not really, as usual :D

warmed up with the insanity warmup, then did 3 times through 4 reps each of band pullups, 45lb thrusters (went up to 65lb last set), and 75lb bench press.

my legs are so sore. i feel like an old woman.

110611 Rest Day

So today is rest day but since I have been failing to do exercises for a week, i decided to kick my own ass and run 2.5 miles. I managed to do it in 23 minutes plus an extra 10 minutes cooling down by jogging slowly and then walking to a stop. Beforehand, I did the regular warmup and then did 50 squats and 50 pullups so i expect myself to be really sore tomorrow :P I also forgot to post some of the other wods that I did two days ago because I was so caught up in writing my accounting hw...which takes me seriously all day to finish one or two problems. I'm so frustrated. anyways, i hope to keep this up if accounting doesn't drown me in work.

Friday, June 10, 2011


Today's only mods were a doable amount of weight (I might actually die if I tried a 225 deadlift) and I had to use dumbells instead of barbells...:(

Total time was 14:10 with 70lb deadlift, regular squats, and 40lb push press.

Thank GOD tomorrow is rest day.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

110609 mod

as many rounds in 15 minutes of:
-max band pullups (4-5 reps)
-65lb thrusters (5 reps)
-15lb wall ball shot (10 reps)

since i can't do a rope climb or ring dips. however, i soon realized that wall ball shots are basically a much easier version of a thruster.

dang, tomorrow's wod looks like it's gonna be a good one!

oh, i also swam beforehand. 2400yd

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

110608 mod

Lately I've been annoyed when the WOD's are sets of 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1. I'm not really used to doing max reps, and I feel like I'm not getting anything out of it aside from the warmup. Today's WOD was 10 sets of 2 reps push jerk, which made me feel a litttle bit better, but I still added more...

Ended up doing 7 sets (didn't realize it was 10 to begin with) of 2 x 125lb deadlift, 2 x 80lb push jerk, and 3 band pullups.

Pullups are starting to come easier...

Crap! I just realized I did't put away the jumprope I used! Sidebar: I HATE HATE HATE people who don't put away weights or other equipment they used. It's SO inconsiderate. Mainly because they make the distance swimmers put away everyone else's crap since we get to the weight room last in the mornings. So I despise the people who do that. And now I'm one of those schmucks...gahhhhh.

P.S. I swam before the WOD. Don't remember how much but it was probably around 2500.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Rest day but...

Swam 2100yd and ran up the Pitt cathedral stairs. 36 flights...I started walking at 15. Ran back to campus and threw around a frisbee for a bit.

Monday, June 6, 2011


-3500yd swim
-regular warmup
-75lb snatch balances 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

wasn't quite sure about the proper technique for this one...are you really supposed to squat low?

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Travel Day

Unfortunately my WOD involved driving back to Pittsburgh. A long and unpleasant task. But tomorrow I shall attempt to redeem myself...


Today's WOD: 100 Pull-ups, 100 Kettlebell swings 24kg, 100 Double-unders, 95 pound Overhead squat, 100 reps. I was short on time today because I had to study accounting and economics as well as watch x-men first class with friends who were picking me up. I managed to do 50 pullups, 50 squats and 2 miles. The 50 pullups and squats took me 10 minutes and the two miles took me around 22. Total: 32 minutes.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Ran a 5k

I went home to visit my friends this weekend, and to participate in Paige's Butterfly Run. It's a 5k, to support pediatric cancer. After the race there is the traditional "raffle"...unfortunately I didn't win anything, but my friend won three prize baskets. Not fair. Anyways, my time was 26:50, and got 12th in my age group. I think that's a best time....?

After that I went to my friend's 21st birthday party, which was Legend of the Hidden Temple themed.

And it was probably the best, most epic birthday party I've ever been to. Ever.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

"Moon" 110602

Today's WOD was seven rounds for time of: 40 pound dumbbell Hang split snatch, 10 reps Right arm, 15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent,
40 pound dumbbell Hang split snatch, 10 reps Left arm, 15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent. I substituted split snatch with power cleans. I used a 95 pound bar for three rounds then went down to 65 the last four rounds. Then I did one pullup for every foot so that was 15 pullups per round. I was able to crank out 10 kipping assists in a row before succumbing to pain and doing 5 negatives with a hiking backpack filled with two 15 pound weights. the next pullup round, I did negative assists in front of the bar rather than doing the regular chinup. The third, fourth and sixth pullup rounds was regular kipping assists with five negative assists towards the end. The fifth and seventh pullup rounds were negative pullup assists because my arms were shot. I couldn't complete the rest because my body was breaking down...


Did 3 rounds of 20lb split squat snatch, asst. pullups instead of rope climb (could only do about 3 each time) twice through. The split squat snatches were realllyyy hard, did three rounds in ~20 minutes after the regular warmup.

After I did some overhead squats and bicep curls, then played soccer with the rest of the team.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

110601: hump day!!

Wow, definitely did not get to the level of Amanda's overachieving spirit...but I came close.

Started off with a nice 'lil 3000yd swim workout, then headed over to the weight room to knock off crossfit...and then some.

-Regular warmup, except the pullup bands I usually use mysteriously all disappeared, so I had to use a weaker band, meaning I only did ~4 pullups each round.
-Power cleans: 65, 75, 85, 90f, 90, 90f, 90.
bench press, 4 x 5 reps 75lb
3 handstand attemps. All were failures, but I failed slightly better than last time.

Then the weight room closed at 8pm, and it was sad.


Omg, today is so humid, I feel like I took a shower in my own sweat. I did warmups and then did 7 power cleans with a 45 pound bar because my mother decided to watch me weight lift and chided me on how heavy it was and that I would look like the hulk when I finished. I added a 45 second plank as well. I also did many pullups. I started with doing 30 pullups assisted kippings, not in a row but on and off with breaks in between. Then I did a set of 10 weighted negative pullups, 10 pullups with me in front of the bar, and 10 more assisted kippings with breaks in between each set. I did another 45 second plank and hten went ouside and did 20 squats on the 1 foot brick step I had in the driveway. I also did 10 burpees when I went inside the house and then achieved a new PR by running a 9:50 mile. Of course, my worst mile was 18 minutes or so that was a great achievement for me considering I hadn't run long distance in more than two years prior to starting crossfit about three months ago. Now excuse me because I need to go fetch a puke bucket...

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Today was to do 50 Pull-ups, 10 Burpees, 40 Pull-ups, 20 Burpees, 30 Pull-ups, 30 Burpees, 20 Pull-ups, 40 Burpees, 10 Pull-ups
and 50 Burpees but I didn't have enough time to do it because I started summer school. Economics from 8:30-10:30 and Accounting from 10:40 to 12:40...anyway, you didn't come here to read about icky summer school. I warmed up and then did 5 assisted pullups with a hiking backpack stuffed with two 15 pound dumbbells. then I did 20 assisted pullups. I did 9 in a row and then did 6 and then 5. I also ran a mile in 11:09 but I was dehydrated so I probably could have run faster at a shorter time. There's always a next time though!

Monday, May 30, 2011


Good thing too, because I'm as sick as a dog. WTF immune system, it's not flu season.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

"Amanda" 110529

I modified today's WOD because it was too hard for me to do. I did the warmup first and then did three rounds of 9-7-5 for time, pullups and deadlifts. The real wod was to do muscle ups and squat snatches. I used 135 pounds to do the deadlift for the first round, and then 115 for the second round. The third round was 95. I also managed to do kipping pullups one foot assisted. I did do 1 real kipping without any assistance so that means I'm definitely getting stronger.


Had to tweak "Amanda": 9-7-5 reps of 30lb DB squat snatch (which, for the record, is WAY HARDER than w/ a barbell) and assisted pullups. 6:09.

Afterwards I ran 2.4k outside on the track, played frisbee, and a 1000 stretch out swim to cap it off.

GTL without the L!

...I usually don't read the comments or watch the videos posted underneath the WOD, but I really like this quote they posted today:

"You can't do these workouts unless you're driven by purpose. Purpose is ultimately the well spring of all happiness."
- Greg Glassman

Saturday, May 28, 2011


41 minutes of Insanity (month 1)...

...then the WOD: 21-15-9 reps of 95 lb deadlift and 18" box jump. 5:51.

Friday, May 27, 2011


Instead of doing the posted regional workout, we did 12 rounds of Cindy in ~16 minutes. (5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats). I didn't really want to run legs are too messed up...even though I might be doing the Pittsburgh Triathlon at the end of July!!!

Then we swam a 3000yd workout.

I feel like a pile of rocks. Blargggggg


Today's wod was to run 1000 meters, do 30 handstand pushups, and row a thousand meters. I ran 1000 meters in 6:30 but did dumbbell presses instead of handstand pushups at 1:20. THen i did 100 sumer deadlift high pulls since I have no row machine at 3 minutes. altogether, it took me 10:50 to complete everything.

110524, 110525

So this blog locked me out for a few days sadly...but anyways i'm back now. I did tuesday's wod which was swim and do 25 pushups in five rounds for time. instead of swimming because my pool is still not open yet, I ran in 5 minutes and 40 seconds for 1000 meters or four times as much as the swimming portion of the workout. Also, I did all the pushups so altogether I finished in about 8 minutes. The wednesday WOD was to do 15 minutes as many rounds of 15 chest to bar and 30 second L-Sits. These I failed miserably at because I can't even do a regular kipping as of yet but I was able to do some kipping assists. I did three rounds. I also ran a mile in 11:27 with a speed of 5 the first three laps and the fourth lap was a speed of 7.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Rest Day

We were going to do a 4000 swim, but...motivation aside, that turned into a 1600, "rec swim racing", and a game of sharks and minnows. day it is. To be fair, I schlepped a giant dresser and a 5,000lb air conditioner down three narrow flights of stairs, then back up 2 more flights, soo, that was my workout for today.

Tomorrow looks promising. Get ready.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

4 part workout

I. 1.5mi run & abs

II. 1500yd swim

III. Crossfit Monday 110523
7 rounds of 35 jumprope & 1 snatch (65lb): 4:48.
Sort of a low weight, but my legs are already sore.

IV. Softball and soccer w/ friends!


Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Swimming. Five rounds of 50m swim w/ 25 pushups.

I've been waiting for this!

Needless to say, we kind of owned this WOD. Although the pushups may have been a lil' ugly. Also, we added another 50 yd swim after the 5 rounds to account for yards instead of meters.

7:53. Boom.

Oh, yeah, we did the main set before this. (3200 yd swim)

Monday, May 23, 2011


Today's WOD made me suffer because there was a high pollen count so I was sneezing pretty hard. I finished the workout in 11 minutes. I did one snatch with a 45 pound bar and the rest with the smaller 27 pound bar since I couldn't handle the 45 pound bar after one rep and the fact that I don't own anything between the two weights. I did all the double unders fairly easily though.


My calves were still messed up from running saturday/insanity yesterday. But I was also lazy. I need to break this habit.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Rest Day

Today was rest day, but I still did 45 minutes of Insanity. Heh.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


I actually did today's workout today.

Didn't really do the regular warmup, wayyyy too many gym rats in the UC weight room, so I just did 10 pullups and my specialty ab workout, which is as follows, if you're interested:

3 x (with no rest in between):
10 crunches, 10 right side crunches, 10 left side crunches,
10 feet up crunches, 10 slowwwwwww leg lifts, 10 reverse crunches
20 ankle reaches, 20 slowwwww sidetaps
20 sec bridge

The WOD was a mile run. It was a really nice day - strange for pittsburgh - but it was also reallllyy hot and sunny on the track, I thought I was going to die of heat stroke. Did a 400 warmup jog and...

...ran a 7:19.

Nothing special.


WOD: Run 1 mile. How easy can that get right? WRONG! I ran my fastest yet since starting CrossFit at 10 minutes and 16 seconds. The last time I ran a mile, it took me about 20 minutes on a speed of 5. Today, I ran at a speed of 6 for three laps and a speed of 5 for one lap total on the treadmill. But I managed to shave off 50% of my speed time so I'm reallly happy about the result, even though it made me feel like my heart was going to jump out my throat/chest :) Oh, and I did the warmup.

Friday, May 20, 2011


As a reminder, I'm doing yesterday's workout today, since I'm one day behind. I also didn't swim today:

-regular warmup
-7 x 2 reps of "weighted" pullups, which basically means I just went on a lighter weight using the assisted pullup machine. 36 30 28 28 28 28 28. I tried 20...but it was kind of an epic fail.

"Wilmot" 110520

Today's WOD was to do six rounds for time of: 50 Squats, 25 Ring dips. My legs have become so numb that I think if someone chopped them off, I wouldn't react to the pain because this WOD was more painful than anything I have ever experienced. I did the usual warmup without the squats or dips to save my energy and I'm glad I skipped those exercises. I needed all the strength I could get. I can barely type this stuff up because I'm shaking all over from the intense workout. I did the WOD for time of 18:26 but it really ended up being double at around 40 minutes due to the many breaks I needed to catch my breath from the painful experience of doing so many squats in one sitting. I could barely do 25 squats each time. Anyways...I may need advil so I don't fall out of bed tomorrow morning from loss of feeling in my legs :/ jk jk....sorta :P


I totally forgot to post Thursday's workout. I basically tried to pull myself up which was a failure. I used one foot and did the assists as slowly as possible and then ran a mile in 15 minutes because I was so tired. And I did the entire warmup without doing pullups to save my arms :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sunday's WOD 110515

Instead of rest day...I did Sunday's WOD, and a swim! We had to tweak it - a lot - since I can't do handstands and the GHD machine is mad sketch...

Swim 2700yd:
1000 wu
3x100 50K 50D
3x[200 pull, 100 kick, 50 SP]
200 wd

-Regular warmup
-3 rounds for time of:
21 front squats (45 lb)
10 decline pushups
30 exercise ball situps (way easier...should have just done regular situps)
10 decline pushups

Me: 8:12
Sam Sam: 8:14

110518 Rest Day

Today is rest day but because I was feeling restless :), I decided to do the regular warmup and run two miles for time. I ran for 24 mins and 11 secs. Each mile was run in approximately 12 minutes but the second mile was thirty seconds slower than the first.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Did 2-2-2-2-2-2-2 thrusters with 15 pound dumbbells in each hand. Did the regular warmup and ran another 15 minute mile.


regular WU.

7 x 2 reps of thrusters: used two 22.5 dumbbells for all 7 sets.

Stupid weight room is only open MWF. :(

Then swam 2000yd, and did abs afterwards.

P.S. - I made another CrossFit friend! A shout out to Sam Sam for joining me for the WOD and the swim! :D

Monday, May 16, 2011


Complete as many rounds as possible in five minutes of: 275 pound Deadlift, 3 reps, 115 pound Push press, 7 reps.
I did 3 rounds of 135 pound deadlifts, 3 reps and 45 pound push press, 7 reps. I'm getting there. I skipped yesterday because I was sore from playing tennis on Friday and my body needed a break. Because there wasn't enough exercise on the legs, I ran a mile in 15 minutes flat on a speed of 4 for 13 minutes and then speed 5 for one min and speed 6 for one minute. I also did the warmup. I find the pullups getting too easy with one leg assisted but too hard for me to to do one regular one...I don't know what to do.

Finally! Monday: 110516

I'm back for reals now. Is it so bad to just take a few days and do...absolutely...nothing? Ok, technically I didn't do nothing. Double negative aside, I helped people move in or move out of dorms, apartments and etc. That had to count for something.


Started off with a 2000yd swim:
5x200 skips
2x[2x100 1:30 pull free, 4x50 :60 stroke]
200 wd

yeah....reaaaalllyyyy out of shape.

Crossfit part (I went over to Cost after swimming):
-regular warmup
-In 5 minutes I made it through 5 (or 6? i can't remember!!) sets + 3 deadlifts (95lb) + 4 push press (45lb). Yeah...almost 6 (or 7?!) sets.

AND I was struggling on the pullups during the warmup. And yes. They were with a rubber band.


Friday, May 13, 2011

"Crossfit Total" 110513

Today's workout was to do 1 backsquat, 1 shoulder press, and 1 deadlift. After the warmup, I did 75 pound backsquat, 55 pound shoulder press, and 135 pound deadlift. Total: 265.


Last night's blog website was under maintainence so I am posting yesterday's and today's workout now. Yesterday was a 400 meter run and 7 muscle-ups. I did warmups but I'm still working on my pullups so I did as many strict pullups as I could which was one...and then I did the rest as assisted pullups. I did 5 rounds of that in 20 minutes. The first round, I went on the treadmill with a speed of 7, then 6 and then the last three were on speed 5. I'm still working on being faster and more efficient when I run. There's progress though!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I ended up working out. It took me 30 minutes to complete the crossfit exercise. Afterwards, I did an embarrassingly slow mile run. I ran/jogged/walked an entire mile for an extra 23 minutes...But then again, my squats were killing my legs so when I got on the treadmill, my legs were already pretty sore. I substituted the 135 pound bar for a 25 pounder and the last round, I had to give up and use a stick. I also did 10 knee to elbows cause my core is still too weak to do toes to bar. I did the hang squat cleans with 15 pound dumbbells in each hand and did the 20 double unders.


Today, I skipped Crossfit to do Yoga instead cause my body needs a break :) I will do this workout another day. Today's workout was to do Five rounds for time of: 135 pound Overhead squat, 5 reps, 10 Toes to bar, 40 pound dumbbell Hang squat clean, 15 reps, 20 Double-unders

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

110510 Did (110509)

So today is yet another rest day but I had to substitute the workout with yesterday's since I had finals. I warmed up with the regular exercises then started the workout. It was to complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: 5 Chest to bar Pull-ups, 10 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball and 15 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood. I did 5 assisted pullups and I'm definitely seeing progression there. I increased the amount of wall balls because the heaviest wall ball was 20 pounds and it was too much for me to handle. The lowest medicine ball was unfortunately 4 pounds but I did doubled the reps. Also, I don't have a kettlebell so I used dumbbells and did 10 reps because my arms were too tired. I finished exactly 7 rounds for time. I also ran "one lap" or 1/4 of a mile on the treadmill with an 8 speed to see how fast I could run. Usually, I can only run at a 5 speed but just barely so I can see that I'm getting faster in that area!

Monday, May 9, 2011


I have a government and politics final as well as a philosophy final. I decided to skip today to give myself a better chance to get an A. Tomorrow is my last day of school! Sorta...I have summer school in a week. I will do today's WOD tomorrow :) I'm also receiving my new hearing aid in two days so that's pretty awesome too!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Race Fo Tha Cure

Coughed up 40 bucks, got a t-shirt, free foodz, and ran a 5k for a good cause.
Not too bad considering I didn't run for a few weeks...I even felt good the last mile!

Some results up in hurr, in order of finish:
  • Musial's mom (otherwise known as Frank), 21:15
  • Me, 27:18
  • 639 other runners, including Yertle the Turtle
  • Not quite last, but most certainly least*: Musial, with a time of 32:06
The tables have turned! I'd say we've evened out the playing field. Hehehe

*Jkjk. Well. Not really.

Getting serious here. Tomorrow I'm doing two WOD's that I missed due to extreme working condiciones from the past week. Ready....go!


I did the regular warmup. When I read the Crossfit WOD the night before, I thought I read it wrong. It could not be humanely possible to do five rounds of this stuff.
It was five rounds for time of: 95 pound Thruster, 15 reps, and Bar-facing burpees. But alas, it was true. Anyways, I'm slowly getting stronger. I realized that I could actually use the 45 pound olympic bar to do thrusters for a short period of time. But slow and steady wins the race right or was it push yourself as hard as you can until you can no longer hold down your breakfast? I did 15 burpees after every round of thrusters. First round was 45 pounds, second, third and fourth was 25 pounds and the last round, I pushed myself to do 45 pound thrusters with much grunting and neighbors probably thought I was giving birth to a baby in my driveway :) Altogether, I took 14 minutes and 9 seconds. Of course, I felt that I needed to do something else afterwards because I wanted to see how far I could go without collapsing. So I ran 1/4 of a mile in 3 minutes and 15 seconds. I cranked the treadmill to a speed of 7, which never happens. Usually I do a 4 or 5 speed so that shows how much faster I'm running. It was overall a tough workout, especially with the burpees. Kicked my ass today!

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Today's workout consisted of 21-15-9 reps for time of: 24" Box jump, 75 pound Power snatch, and Chest to bar Pull-up. I did the 24 inch box jump but i substituted the power snatch with overhead squats because I don't want to hurt myself since I don't actually know the right technique to do the snatch. My time was 15 minutes without breaks and not including the regular warmup.

Back in Shape

Ok, not really, but I finally got off my fat ass today (I think I finally recovered from working 28 hours straight) and 'worked out'. Tomorrow I'll be running the race for the cure (5k) hurr in Pittsburgh, so I only did 2 rounds of the warmup, ran about a mile, and swam about a mile.

Don't hate...I'm tapering.

Friday, May 6, 2011

110506 (Rest day)

Today is actually rest day for crossfitters but since I could not do the workout yesterday because of finals, I did "Griff"110505 , which was yesterday's workout. I did the normal warmup as well. It was for time: 800 meters, 400 meters backwards, 800 meters, and another 400 meters backwards. My overall time was 24 minutes. I could not do it outside because I arrived home too late from finals so I did it on the treadmill. The time did not do me justice with how fast I can usually run because I had to run backwards on a treadmill which scared me. I had bad experiences with falling off the treadmill so I went a little slower going backwards but I did go all out when running the 800 meters. I know I can definitely improve the time that I ran but I think today's workout was amazing and it definitely whooped my ass into shape!

Thursday, May 5, 2011


I have two finals tomorrow so I needed today to study. I'll do today's workout tomorrow since tomorrow is rest day :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Skipped today too. I is so bad.
If it helps, I'm still horrendously sore from Monday night. (Fail?)


Today's WOD was front squat 5-5-5-5-5. I did the warmup and then used a 45 pound olympic bar to do all five rounds of front squats. I thought I was going to topple over when I did my first round. My wrists are also very weak so it was hard to keep my arms parallel. But I made it!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Sort of forgot to work out today. Dang. Got a project due we'll see.

"Jeremy" 110503

Today made me wanna puke. Today's WOD was Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of: 95 pound Overhead squats. Burpees. I modified it by doing a 25 pound overhead squat the first round and then a normal metal bar similar to a broom stick the next two rounds cause I was shaking too hard to even hold the weights up correctly. The burpees were a killer. I finished with 8:19 without break. With the breaks though, I finished with about 12 minutes. I also did the regular warmup beforehand.

Monday, May 2, 2011


Did another ~800yd stretch out swim before TOMORROW's WOD. Which is Jeremy. And, living hell.

We did the usual warmup minus pushups, since those are in the workout. Used a 45 barbell for the overhead squats...those were so hard. Legit. Tt was soo difficult to balance, I almost fell over a couple times.

Me: 9:14
Musial: 7:30.

Once again, got my ass whooped. Blarg.


Today's off day! Boy am I glad it's off legs are in so much pain. soooo sore. I'll be up and running tomorrow. Literally. :)


Did a 1000yd stretch out swim. Felt soooo good being sore and all. I plan on doing the WOD from yesterday later today...

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Today's workout was probably the hardest workout in terms of the limitations that I had within the makeshift gym in the garage. Usual warmups then it was 5 rounds of 15 Ring rows, 155 pound Bench press of 15 reps, 225 pound Back squat 15 reps. However, I have no rings since my brother moved out and took the rings with him, and either way, I am not strong enough to do those yet so I substituted them with 15 regular dips with my feet on the floor. My brother sold the bench press so I couldn't do that either so I did upside down pushups with the 45 pound olympic bar sitting on the weight holder. I did back squats but I could only do 45 pound backsquats because my legs are still weak. I took about 35 minutes to finish the entire thing. I'm working on my strength which is getting better slowly. I also started on the CrossFit Paleo-Zone diet, which consists of blocks so I'm starting as a medium sized female. If any non-crossfitters are reading this, the diet is free online through and it really works. The last time I did this diet, I lost 5 pounds. Of course, I didn't stick with it because I also gave up CrossFit at that time. But I'm back now and it will take me a lot to quit again! :)

Saturday, April 30, 2011

"Jackie" 110430

Did the usual warmup. The WOD was 1000 meter row, 45 pound Thruster, 50 reps, 30 pull-ups. However, because I don't own a rowing machine, I substituted the 1000 meter row with running 400 meters which took me about 0:2:34, and doing 50 reps of the sumo dead highlifts with 17 pounds because the 45 was too heavy and the 17 pound bar was the closest I could find that I could handle. Then I did 45 pound thrusters but I did them ten times, 5 rounds because banging them out in a row was too tough for me but it took me about 0:9:58.. This was Afterwards, instead of negative pullups, i did jumping pullups, which took about 3 minutes because each set of ten took me about a minute. The total time was about 14 mins 46 seconds without a break. Including breaks though, it took about 27 minutes. My arms are screaming...


Did today's WOD. Sort of. Still insanely sore from Thursday, but here it is:

Row 1000m: 4:03.9

Then I had to walk over to the varsity weight room to do the next part of the exercise since the rowing machine is in a separate place:

50 Thrusters: ~8:50. Had to do sets of 10.
Only got through 18 pullups w/ rubberband, so I did 12 pushups to finish the reps. This took about another 8 minutes.

Total workout time = ~20 minutes.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Rest Day. For Realz.

So unbelievably sore right now. I've pretty much never been this sore in my entire life. Although, staying up to watch the royal wedding probably didn't help....Sooooo I'm going to go a day behind and use today as my actual 'rest day' since it took me 20 minutes to roll out of bed and write this. Hah.

Everything hurtsssss

"Moore" 110429

Today was really tough! You had to do 20 minutes of 15 feet rope climb or towel pull up, run 400 meters, and do a maximum repetition handstand pushups. I started with the official warmup of 10 squats, 10 pushups, 10 negative pullups, 10 situps, 10 dips, and 10 back extensions in three rounds. However, I had to substitute the towel pull up for negative pull-ups, since I have only been doing this for a week and I'm not strong enough to do regulars. I ran the 400 meters, which was hard because I'm not exactly in good cardiovascular shape. Since I couldn't do any handstand pushups, I just did regular handstands and held myself for 15 seconds each round. I managed to do three rounds in 20 minutes though!

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Today is my off day. I will resume working out tomorrow. I needed the break today because I have a writing conference at 7 pm and theres no way to get home in time to do a workout and besides...I deserve a break after going all out three days in a row. Right? :)

Rest Day

Well...not really. Since I skipped yesterday's WOD, I did it today. And I think I'm about to die.

Did the typical warmup, 3 times through:
10 squats w/ stick (except, we couldn't find a stick so we used a 15 pound mini-barbell)
10 situps
10 pushups
10 pullups
10 dips

Then we did yesterday's WOD. Used a 45 barbell, and a rubber band for pullups. Here's my rep count:
3,3,6,6,9,9,8 (fail),12,7. So 4-ish rounds + 7. Hah.

Sarah Musial was a good sport to do the WOD with me, she got through 4 rounds + 11. Kicked my ass. But there's always tomorrow...if I can move my legs (and/or arms?!?)

Getting to This Level

Similar to yesterday's WOD:

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

WOD 110427

Soo...I used the standard olympic bar 45 pounds and negative pullups. I managed to get to the fourth round but I did 45 pounds twice and 55 pounds twice in that order before crying for mercy :/. However, I did see improvement in my negatives after I did a couple thrusters. I also did twenty extra negatives after I couldn't do the rounds anymore because the thrusters were killing me.


Swam ~2000 yds. Quite pitiful really. Swimming is way way way harder when you're out of shape (I haven't swam since the end of February. Heh.)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

CrossFit 110426

Warmed up. 65-95-95-105-105-105-105. I was afraid of hurting myself so I went slowly this time...I'll do a heavier weight next time. I also added 1,000 jump ropes since I did not do much in the crossfit workout. :)

As of Today

I will officially be keeping track of my WOD (workout of the day for you non-crossfitters). Maybe this will help me be more motivated? We'll see.

I'll be doing crossfit, along with other activities (such as running, swimming, lifting...abs...) to get into serious shape. Let's see if you can keep up.