Wednesday, June 8, 2011

110608 mod

Lately I've been annoyed when the WOD's are sets of 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1. I'm not really used to doing max reps, and I feel like I'm not getting anything out of it aside from the warmup. Today's WOD was 10 sets of 2 reps push jerk, which made me feel a litttle bit better, but I still added more...

Ended up doing 7 sets (didn't realize it was 10 to begin with) of 2 x 125lb deadlift, 2 x 80lb push jerk, and 3 band pullups.

Pullups are starting to come easier...

Crap! I just realized I did't put away the jumprope I used! Sidebar: I HATE HATE HATE people who don't put away weights or other equipment they used. It's SO inconsiderate. Mainly because they make the distance swimmers put away everyone else's crap since we get to the weight room last in the mornings. So I despise the people who do that. And now I'm one of those schmucks...gahhhhh.

P.S. I swam before the WOD. Don't remember how much but it was probably around 2500.

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