Monday, June 27, 2011

110627 Rest Day

Today I ran 3 miles. I did half a mile each time while sprinting at a speed of 7 for the first two times and then sprinting a speed of 6 the next two times. The next 4 times, I did a speed of 5. In between I took one minute walks at a speed of 1 to recuperate. It was reallly hard but it felt good to finally be running again :) I'm sorry I haven't been working out as much as I should be but I am so close to taking my final exams for the summer and then I have to prepare myself for another summer session of classes. But I'll try to resume my exercises soon!

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Today's WOD was to Run 800 meters, Snatch, 30 reps and Run another 800 meters. Took me 30 minutes to do because I had to go from my garage to the treadmill in the basement and back to do the workouts and warmup. Overall, the half miles were easy but the snatch took me almost 20 minutes to do alone because I'm not used to doing that many snatches in a row.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


I thought about doing today's WOD, but since 30 pullups in a row isn't possible, and I have to stay away from running (I'm convinced I've had Achilles tendinitis since the 7th grade, but never really looked into it), I made my own lil' WOD.

First did 3 rounds of the warmup, then did a circuit of 5 reps of deadlift, pullups, overhead squat, and BP.

However, since I haven't done diddly squat in the past week, I had to do lower weights, and my back felt cranky, so I got rid of the deadlifts and pullups after the second time through. So I ended up just doing several rounds of 10 overhead squats (45lb barbell) and 65lb bench press with both feet off the ground.

Then I tried out some miscellaneous ab workouts, including a few GHD situps (which magically made my back feel better!).

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

110615 Rest Day

As usual, I act like a bum again. I need to really start working out. I could barely do 8 assisted pullups. I'm atrophying...LOL. I managed to run two miles in 25 minutes though so I'm happy about that. I also warmed up beforehand. Then I did 4 rounds of 9 burpees and 15 box jumps in 30 minutes. All together I did about an hour and fifteen minutes of working out to make up for the lost/last three days :/

Monday, June 13, 2011

past few days

I didn't do Sunday's WOD. So I attempted to do it through a 3000m row, in 13:44 (I went pretty easy) then started a 2400m run. As usual, my calves hate me, and the pain was too much, even after trying to stretch. So, forget that.

Then I had more good luck (not) and did something to my left quad while trying to do today's WOD. Yeah, I couldn't even ride my bike home. I'm hoping it's just a slight strain, but now I can't do anything leg-related for a while.

I ended up doing a super set of pullups, bench press, and shoulder press

Oh, and my neck/back spasm has been back for the past couple days.

I hate my life.


Saturday, June 11, 2011

rest day!

but not really, as usual :D

warmed up with the insanity warmup, then did 3 times through 4 reps each of band pullups, 45lb thrusters (went up to 65lb last set), and 75lb bench press.

my legs are so sore. i feel like an old woman.

110611 Rest Day

So today is rest day but since I have been failing to do exercises for a week, i decided to kick my own ass and run 2.5 miles. I managed to do it in 23 minutes plus an extra 10 minutes cooling down by jogging slowly and then walking to a stop. Beforehand, I did the regular warmup and then did 50 squats and 50 pullups so i expect myself to be really sore tomorrow :P I also forgot to post some of the other wods that I did two days ago because I was so caught up in writing my accounting hw...which takes me seriously all day to finish one or two problems. I'm so frustrated. anyways, i hope to keep this up if accounting doesn't drown me in work.

Friday, June 10, 2011


Today's only mods were a doable amount of weight (I might actually die if I tried a 225 deadlift) and I had to use dumbells instead of barbells...:(

Total time was 14:10 with 70lb deadlift, regular squats, and 40lb push press.

Thank GOD tomorrow is rest day.