Saturday, April 30, 2011

"Jackie" 110430

Did the usual warmup. The WOD was 1000 meter row, 45 pound Thruster, 50 reps, 30 pull-ups. However, because I don't own a rowing machine, I substituted the 1000 meter row with running 400 meters which took me about 0:2:34, and doing 50 reps of the sumo dead highlifts with 17 pounds because the 45 was too heavy and the 17 pound bar was the closest I could find that I could handle. Then I did 45 pound thrusters but I did them ten times, 5 rounds because banging them out in a row was too tough for me but it took me about 0:9:58.. This was Afterwards, instead of negative pullups, i did jumping pullups, which took about 3 minutes because each set of ten took me about a minute. The total time was about 14 mins 46 seconds without a break. Including breaks though, it took about 27 minutes. My arms are screaming...


Did today's WOD. Sort of. Still insanely sore from Thursday, but here it is:

Row 1000m: 4:03.9

Then I had to walk over to the varsity weight room to do the next part of the exercise since the rowing machine is in a separate place:

50 Thrusters: ~8:50. Had to do sets of 10.
Only got through 18 pullups w/ rubberband, so I did 12 pushups to finish the reps. This took about another 8 minutes.

Total workout time = ~20 minutes.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Rest Day. For Realz.

So unbelievably sore right now. I've pretty much never been this sore in my entire life. Although, staying up to watch the royal wedding probably didn't help....Sooooo I'm going to go a day behind and use today as my actual 'rest day' since it took me 20 minutes to roll out of bed and write this. Hah.

Everything hurtsssss

"Moore" 110429

Today was really tough! You had to do 20 minutes of 15 feet rope climb or towel pull up, run 400 meters, and do a maximum repetition handstand pushups. I started with the official warmup of 10 squats, 10 pushups, 10 negative pullups, 10 situps, 10 dips, and 10 back extensions in three rounds. However, I had to substitute the towel pull up for negative pull-ups, since I have only been doing this for a week and I'm not strong enough to do regulars. I ran the 400 meters, which was hard because I'm not exactly in good cardiovascular shape. Since I couldn't do any handstand pushups, I just did regular handstands and held myself for 15 seconds each round. I managed to do three rounds in 20 minutes though!

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Today is my off day. I will resume working out tomorrow. I needed the break today because I have a writing conference at 7 pm and theres no way to get home in time to do a workout and besides...I deserve a break after going all out three days in a row. Right? :)

Rest Day

Well...not really. Since I skipped yesterday's WOD, I did it today. And I think I'm about to die.

Did the typical warmup, 3 times through:
10 squats w/ stick (except, we couldn't find a stick so we used a 15 pound mini-barbell)
10 situps
10 pushups
10 pullups
10 dips

Then we did yesterday's WOD. Used a 45 barbell, and a rubber band for pullups. Here's my rep count:
3,3,6,6,9,9,8 (fail),12,7. So 4-ish rounds + 7. Hah.

Sarah Musial was a good sport to do the WOD with me, she got through 4 rounds + 11. Kicked my ass. But there's always tomorrow...if I can move my legs (and/or arms?!?)

Getting to This Level

Similar to yesterday's WOD:

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

WOD 110427

Soo...I used the standard olympic bar 45 pounds and negative pullups. I managed to get to the fourth round but I did 45 pounds twice and 55 pounds twice in that order before crying for mercy :/. However, I did see improvement in my negatives after I did a couple thrusters. I also did twenty extra negatives after I couldn't do the rounds anymore because the thrusters were killing me.


Swam ~2000 yds. Quite pitiful really. Swimming is way way way harder when you're out of shape (I haven't swam since the end of February. Heh.)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

CrossFit 110426

Warmed up. 65-95-95-105-105-105-105. I was afraid of hurting myself so I went slowly this time...I'll do a heavier weight next time. I also added 1,000 jump ropes since I did not do much in the crossfit workout. :)

As of Today

I will officially be keeping track of my WOD (workout of the day for you non-crossfitters). Maybe this will help me be more motivated? We'll see.

I'll be doing crossfit, along with other activities (such as running, swimming, lifting...abs...) to get into serious shape. Let's see if you can keep up.